
Problem Note 60765: Creating a condition in a scenario with Use Assistant unchecked produces an incorrect 0(0.00%) Population % in SAS® Visual Scenario Designer

DetailsAboutRate It

In SAS Visual Scenario Designer, you can create scenarios of the window with Use Assistant checked (ON), or unchecked (OFF).  However, the Population % value might be incorrectly displayed as 0 (0.00%).  The problem can occur when both of these conditions are true:


Use Assistant is unchecked (OFF).

* The text in the Conditions column contains a leading space.


There are no errors or warnings to indicate a problem.  

To work around the problem, remove the leading space from the Conditions column text.




You have a condition with Use Assistant unchecked (OFF) that generates the population results as 0(0.00%).



To work around the problem, remove the leading space from the text "AB000001".



Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Visual Scenario DesignerLinux for x646.36.3_M19.4 TS1M4
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.